Eucarpia General Assembly will be held on Wednesday 16 September 2020 from 10 to 11 am (CEST) online.
The program includes:
1. Opening by the chair and explain the way of desired acting in the digital meeting
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes of the last General Assembly in Zurich 2016
4. Report of the EUCARPIA General Congress and consequences of COVID-19
5. Report of the Treasurer
6. Report of the membership administration
7. Report of activities 2016 - 2020
8. Election of new President and new Executive Committee 2020 - 2024
9. New Board members
10. 22nd and 23rd EUCARPIA General Congresses
11. Executive Committee discharge
12. Other business and closing
The leaflet is here:
Each member of Eucarpia is welcome to participate on the meeting. For the registration, please email General Secretary Thijs Simons (eucarpia@plantum.nl) that you are willing to attend the meeting.