Travel information and accomodation

Venue: AVANTI Hotel, Stredni 61, 60200, Brno

How to get here: 

ideally by train (or bus) from Vienna Airport or Prague Airport 


The conference venue is about 3 hours by public transport from Capital City of Prague and about 2 hours by public transport from Wien (Austria).

You can find your connection from Prague or Vienna airport here:

To search for public transport connections in Brno: IDS JMK

You can also find your connection in the "Idos app" as below  


Hotel Avanti - this is the same hotel where the conference will be held. This hotel offers a special price for the conference participants. 

Accommodation must be reserved by email: and include the password "Eucarpia23" in the subject of the e-mail or via the hotel's reservation system (link) in this case, use  "Eucarpia23" in the Other info - Special requests. 

Accommodation in Hotel Avanti should be booked till 31st of May, 2023, after this date the conference participants will no longer receive special price and will be treated as regular guests of the hotel.

In case of reservation through, the discounted price cannot be provided.

Other possibilities could be found here