White clover (Trifolium repens L.)
Griffiths et al. (2019) genome assembly available here.
Karyotype: allopolyploid 2n=4x=32
Atwood SS, Hill HD. (1940).
The regularity of meiosis in microsporocytes of Trifolium
American Journal of Botany 27: 730-735. link
Genome size (1C, Mb): 1037 (2n=4x=32)
Pustahija F, Brown SC,
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Genetic maps:
Griffiths AG, Barrett BA, Simon D et al. (2013). An integrated genetic linkage map for white clover (Trifolium repens L.) with alignment to Medicago. BMC Genomics 14: 388. link
Zhang Y, Sledge MK, Bouton JH. (2007). Genome mapping of white clover
(Trifolium repens L.) and comparative analysis within the
Trifolieae using cross-species SSR markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114: 1367-1378. link
Whole genome sequencing:
Griffiths AG, Moraga R, Tausen M et al. (2019). Breaking Free: The genomics of allopolyploidy-facilitated niche expansion in white clover. The Plant Cell 31: 1466-1487. link
cpDNA sequencing: 132,120 bp
Sveinsson S, Cronk Q.
(2014). Evolutionary origin of highly repetitive plastid genomes within
the clover genus (Trifolium). BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 228. link
Transcriptome sequencing:
Griffiths AG, Moraga R, Tausen M et al. (2019). Breaking Free: The genomics of allopolyploidy-facilitated niche expansion in white clover. The Plant Cell 31: 1466-1487. link
Zhang H, Tian H, Chen M et al. (2018). Transcriptome
analysis reveals potential genes involved in flower pigmentation in a
red-flowered mutant of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Genomics
110: 191-200. link
L, Bhakta M, Acuna H et al. (2018). Understanding the complexity of
cold tolerance in white clover using temperature gradient locations
and a GWAS approach. Plant Genome 11 (3). link